
 Step 1 – Identifying Guam

Guam is a United States overseas territory. As such, it is counted as the US for country streaks purposes.

The entire Google car is blurred, however an antenna at the front right and a tiny part of the roof rack can be seen.

NOTE: You will not see a roof rack on the Northern Mariana Islands Google car.

Poles on Guam are almost always concrete and commonly very thick.

NOTE: Northern Mariana Islands typically have wooden poles.

Guam uses green street signs, unlike the Northern Mariana Islands, which use blue street signs.

Guam has a tropical climate with a lot of dense and somewhat low vegetation.

Both Guam and Northern Mariana Islands often have a very large number of road reflectors.

East Asian languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and even Russian are common to see in Guam.

NOTE: This is also the case in Northern Mariana Islands.

 Step 2 – Regional clues

Guam is generally hilly in the south and flat in the north.

 Step 3 – Spotlight

Some Signposts near the town of Apra View are coloured yellow.

LeoPalace Resort can be recognised by the white, resort buildings with orange tiled roofs, which looks superficially similar to tiled roofs found on Java.